Monday 29 February 2016

Week 6 Term 2

Monday & Tuesday

The research for my essay has been tough. I am anxious to finish it as quick and right as possible. I am just about finish with my anime approach chapter with My Neighbor Totoro and Princess Mononoke. My hopes remain high as ever.


I have finally finished animating scene 6, 12, 11 on the Flash. It’s just scene 13 left to animate. I am cleaning and perfecting it at the moment. There are seven scenes left to finish for the rough cut animation. My team are performing admirably. Our work is looking beautiful. Shannon is editing the scenes.

Paul Franklin really liked how far our project is progressing. He advices us to avoid stiffness in the girl scenes. Shannon, Charlotte, Mimi and I agree to speed up on the tasks by finishing off the remaining scenes.

Scene 6

Scene 12

Scene 11


Scene 13 has been finished and I have posted it on the Google Drive. According to my teammates, my skills in animating the crow has improved a lot since I first began in the project.

Scene 13

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