Monday, 29 February 2016

Week 6 Term 2

Monday & Tuesday

The research for my essay has been tough. I am anxious to finish it as quick and right as possible. I am just about finish with my anime approach chapter with My Neighbor Totoro and Princess Mononoke. My hopes remain high as ever.


I have finally finished animating scene 6, 12, 11 on the Flash. It’s just scene 13 left to animate. I am cleaning and perfecting it at the moment. There are seven scenes left to finish for the rough cut animation. My team are performing admirably. Our work is looking beautiful. Shannon is editing the scenes.

Paul Franklin really liked how far our project is progressing. He advices us to avoid stiffness in the girl scenes. Shannon, Charlotte, Mimi and I agree to speed up on the tasks by finishing off the remaining scenes.

Scene 6

Scene 12

Scene 11


Scene 13 has been finished and I have posted it on the Google Drive. According to my teammates, my skills in animating the crow has improved a lot since I first began in the project.

Scene 13

Week 5 Term 2


I have analyzed the latest rough version of the animation. I noticed that there is a crow or two missing from the scenes. I plan on drawing out these as soon as possible. I am nearly finished improving on scene 6, 11, 12 and 13.

Tuesday & Wednesday

The books for anime and Japanese animation for my essay have been very useful. I plan meeting with my support worker on Wednesday to help me through it. It has been tough.


Shannon, Charlotte and I are doing amazingly with our teamwork. We are in agreement in drawing and animating the last girl scenes. But first, we are revising our latest scenes before the final deadline came. Sultan and Paul seem to like the latest rough cut animation so far. They advised us to keep up on the hard work as soon as possible. The tasks my team has to do is finish at least three to five scenes per week.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Week 4 Term 2


I'm doing the five new scenes for the crow. So far, I have done two and then the other three for tomorrow. I've been reading the book on the Nine Old Men of Animation. I've found information on Bambi to add to the chapter of my essay. My team is doing really great on communication.


I've been referencing from crow videos on YouTube to improve Scene 6, 11 & 13. Soon, I'm going to upload the rough scenes onto the Google Drive after animating them.


My team are progressing excellently. Shannon is connecting the scenes together on Premiere Pro. Charlotte is improving a lot on keeping us organized and her work is very dynamic. Mimi is putting good effort into her scenes. She is determined to do her best and produce critical scenes.

Today, Paul Franklin really liked how bird-like my crows are doing in my scenes. I still need to add more arc to the pictures in Scene 12. There is still the last improvements to make made on Scene 6. 11 and 13. I've nearly finished timing out the scenes on Flash so I can post them onto the Google Drive.

Scene 3

Scene 21

Scene 28

Scene 29

Scene 33

Scene 37

Scene 12

Friday, 12 February 2016

Week 3 Term 2


Today, I went into a MD meeting for Narrative Design. It went really well that I understood that there is lot of work and dedication, but it was worth the shot. At the moment, I'm back in my flat trying to get my homework done. No free pizza for me tonight.


I've seen my support worker to discuss my essay and crow scenes. Everything is progressing well. There are still improvements to be made.


Today, I'm in class doing more improvements on my crow scenes. Paul Franklin told me I still need to work on the timing. I'm working on cleaning my scenes up.

Shannon is ill again, but Mimi, Charlotte and I are doing great as a team. We're improving on the flaws of animations and planning to move on to new scenes to quicken the pace. Our opinions really do matter.

Scene 6

Scene 11

Scene 13

Scene 12

Week 2 Term 2


Throughout the weekend, I have drawn and animated my three scenes and place them on the Google Drive. I've been sick lately so I was forced to slow down.


I've been organizing my scene tasks off a list. My crow scenes are 12, 21, 29, 33 and 37. It has been tough, but I was in a good mood.


I went in at ten to meet with Jane to discuss my essay. Tonight, I have submitted my essay to Blackboard. I hope the support helps me get it done fast and right.


I came into class to meet with my team. I was advised by Paul Franklin to redo my scenes again to add more realism to time out the crow's movement. I did so and started working on scene 12.


I went to meet my support worker at the atrium. It is great to keep in touch. I just need to find a few books to research and improve my essay.

Saturday & Sunday

I have finally finished finalizing my four crow scenes to import on the Google Drive.

Scene 6

Scene 11


Scene 13


Scene 12

Week 1 Term 2

Monday & Tuesday

I have been working on drawing and animating scene 6, 11 & 13 since Christmas. They were really hard, especially when I have to make sure the crow's movement are flowing correctly.

Its been a while since I last heard from my team. I hope they manage to get their scenes done faster and better than I am.

I went into class this morning, surprisingly no one was there. It turns out I don't have to arrive until Thursday. This helps because I can concentrate better when I am not distracted at home.


I went to the library at 11 to attend Jane's meeting. She did a presentation on how we all had to improve essays for the hand in next week. When I came back, I shrunk the words to my essay to a 12 and stylized to Arial. My word count was 3500 so I'm within the good zone.


Today, my team and I are continuing to finish our scenes in a rough version for the deadline on March 18th this year. I was really confident because I was able to three scenes within three days.

Then we all met Paul Franklin, an expert animator who is the best in his line of work. It was real pleasure to meet him. He really liked how promising our animation was and willing to help out.

There was still room for improvement on my crow scenes. Paul Franklin helped pointed out the flaws on my three crow scenes which is what I needed to make them better.

Improve wings on one of the crow frames (Scene 6)

Improve on the jump speed of the crow (Scene 11)

Improve on landing position on the crow (Scene 13)

I know with teamwork and communication, we'll get our assigned work done fast by then. I plan to get my work done by the weekend.

Scene 6

Scene 11

Scene 13