Thursday 17 March 2016

Week 9 Term Two

Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday

The days have been long and slow. It is taking forever to redesign the scenes, especially when it coming up on new animation ideas. I have studied the review on Blackboard on the necessary improvements on my scenes. Sultan and Paul Franklin had helped point out the flaws.

Scene 21: good animation. Line quality can be improved. Requires better clean up
Scene 28: needs to structure drawings more and lock down features of the face. Needs to revise and refine. The eye does not move. Features of the face need to be solid.
Scene 29: needs to look at bird flying reference. The wings are pointing downwards. Needs an extra pose. It follows an arc and that is good. Pace is nice. Change arc on wings (opposite arc for the reverse wing shape).
Scene 33: the size/volume of the photocard needs to be consistent for each key.
Scene 37: Ok
Scene 6: putting of the wings is nicely handled. Bird flying into the shot needs to be faster. Landing is fine. Quicker intro.
Scene 11: bird jumping into the box. The bird motion/pose can be changed. Most of the scenes are rotoscoped.
Scene 3: the model of the bird seem to be changing in scenes. I need to check the model sheets.
Scene 13: rotoscoped

The crow scenes all needed to be cleaned.

I made frequent visits to the library which helped me focus on my essay by reading and taking notes. I did some animation sketches to figure out how the crow animations will work logically.


My team and I are together in class discussing the rough cut animation. I have finish converting most of my crow scenes.

Scene 3 is quite tricky, but I am managing to develop the new models. I was just informed about combing the recent PDF work with the Pre-Production.

I have finished most of the scenes and posted them onto the Google Drive for Shannon to analyze and add them into the rough cut.

Scene 21

Scene 28

Scene 29

Scene 33

Scene 37

Scene 6

Scene 11

Scene 13

Saturday 12 March 2016

Week 8 Term Two

Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday

The essay has been a nightmare. I still have to work on the referencing and far, there is over 6500 words which means there is still hope for me to finish before the deadline.


The day has need lousy. I was bit late but managed to make it in time. Shannon, Charlotte and Mimi are eagerly planning out the colour pallets for the scenes in Post Production. In the review today, Sultan and Paul analyzed my crow scenes and gave their honest opinions on how to improve them for next week.
Despite feeling like being torn by vultures, I am confident that I can finish improving my scenes with my teammates’ help. I just need to avoid rotoscoping and learn by drawing my own version. I am collecting references related to the written words from the books and journal articles I have read. I had to be sure everything is in the right place.


Today, I am at the library. It is so overwhelming with books. I find I am more focused here than at home. I’m reading and making notes for my essay.

I have done several sketches of the crow to plan out its flight pattern.

Week 7 Term 2

Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday

The essay is progressing so well. I am gathering notes from previous journal articles to help expend on certain objectives of death and loss. There are certain struggles with the rough cut animation, but everyone is getting on great despite feeling ill.


My team and I are doing the finishing touches on colouring and texturing the scenes. Mimi is ill, but is down to the last four girl scenes to finish. She is doing exceptionally well. Paul Franklin is glad we are progressing with the rough cut animation. If we keep this up, the work shall be ready for the deadline in two weeks.

Painted leaves

Scene 13